What We Have To Offer

Welcome to Truth In Transcription. We are here to record your history. The world is changing, and a new story is unfolding. The preponderance of this new history has been recorded in audio and video format online, a veritable sea of information, expressed through a myriad of digitally recorded experiences. This precious new record about the Earth and its evolution must be retained for posterity. We should protect the truth, above all.

At Truth In Transcription, we are devoted to safeguarding your truth by creating a perfect transcription document of your recorded interviews, memoirs, discussion groups, podcasts, and sermons. We specialize in metaphysical content, which can include religious subject matter, explorations of different aspects of physics and philosophy, New Age content, and ufological and extraterrestrial topics, especially exopolitics. We want to help you present to the world documents created from your audio and video, at the same time ensuring a transcript of your content for future generations. Don’t let your truth slip away!

Transcription is an art form. Not all transcription is the same. We offer hand-typed documents, which we believe is a more traditional and thorough method of transcribing. We also produce client-ready transcripts from AI-generated audio files (digital scoping). However you need the job done, allow us to protect and express your message by creating the perfect document for you.

Follow your truth. Follow the White Rabbit.

We Can Also Help You With …

  • Transcript Proofreading Services

  • Expedited Deposition Services

    (24-hour turnaround time available)

  • General Transcription Services

  • Legal and General Digital Scoping

    Please see the Services and Pricing page for more information about our rates and what we can do for you.

** Please let us know if you have a special transcription project in mind. We would love to help you complete it.

Love must be interwoven in every stitch of whatever pattern you are weaving, every word you are writing, and every interchange between yourself and your fellow men.
— Walter and Lao Russell

What is Censorship?

During recent years, there has been rampant censorship online. If your content is deemed "questionable" or "inappropriate" — usually because it's telling an uncomfortable truth about a given situation—it can be erased permanently.

Who can forget the blatant censorship online during the pandemic? We lost priceless information, and those responsible for shutting down the video and audio did not give sensible reasons for their actions.

If you think the censorship has relaxed somewhat, please consider that your powerful message could be lost if and when some agency deems it disreputable.

Censorship is an effort to control how history is recorded by eliminating important truths and other evidence. This cannot stand. At Truth In Transcription, we are determined to preserve the actual history. We owe it to future generations to be able to explain what happened on Earth during this pivotal time by providing a clear written record of events.

Making a written record of your spoken history through transcription, and then carefully preserving that document, is one specific way to ensure you are free from content censorship online. “Freedom of speech” is not guaranteed anymore, even if you have your own platform.

Together, we can report and safeguard the true history of Earth.