What Is Nobility of Mind?


Nobility of mind has two components: a mind of service and a wish to protect others.

First, it helps to discuss what mind is. Simply put, mind is everywhere, and mind is the basis of any consideration, physical or metaphysical. What you focus on, you become. A noble mind focuses on service and wishes to protect others from suffering.

What is virtuous thinking and acting? What do you think nobility means? What objects of meditation are worth your reflection? What do you spend most of your time thinking about?

When I contemplate the world’s troubles with nobility of mind, I feel empowered to help. If I am considering solutions for others, I have a noble intention for that situation. I can bring to bear my best skill sets to solve persistent problems.

Is simply wishing to protect others as powerful as actually helping them? Yes. Do we spend even a few quiet moments each day thinking about the collective suffering of others or the individual suffering of others? Maybe we spend more time ignoring their suffering because it does not touch our hearts. How often we spend focused on a desire to eradicate the misery of living beings determines our power to effect that change. Our continual wishing will bring about practical opportunities to help; they will arise, and we can serve others to heal this world.

If we are moving toward a mind of service, to make it more real each day, then we are already working for others. Since everything comes from mind, we start with the mind of service, and occasions to assist our friends and family and the local community will begin to manifest wherever we go. Then our noble mind couples with noble deeds, and we have begun a journey of connection with universal truth.


“The Quotidian of Love”